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Resources for Cardiac Catheterization

These are links to the content on the eGuidelines+ that are especially relevant to staff members performing cardiac catherization procedures, whether in an OR, cath lab, or ambulatory surgery center. We have organized the links on this page to help staff members more quickly identify and access that content.

Guidelines A-Z

Complementary Care Design & Maintenance
Electrosurgical Safety Environment of Care
Environmental Cleaning Hand Hygiene
Hypothermia Information Management
Instrument Cleaning Laser Safety
Local Anesthesia Medication Safety
Moderate Sedation/Analgesia Patient Skin Antisepsis
Positioning the Patient Radiation Safety
Retained Surgical Items Safe Patient Handling and Movement
Sharps Safety Sterile Technique
Sterilization Surgical Attire
Surgical Smoke Safety Team Communication
Transmission-Based Precautions Venous Thromboembolism

At a Glance
