Various instrument images and alternate names courtesy of Ascendco Health. All rights reserved.
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Instrument name: Balloon Catheter
Alternate name: None
Instrument category: Accessory
Used for: Dilatation, instilling, and extracting during percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic procedures
Instrument name: Brachytherapy Needle
Used for: Assisting in the implantation of radioactive seed implants of the prostate
Instrument name: Cystoscope
Alternate name: Scope
Used for: Visualization during cystoscopy
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic procedures when visualization is needed
Instrument name: Ellik Evacuator
Used for: Removes pieces of tissue during urologic surgery
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic surgery
Instrument name: Pollack Catheter
Alternate name: Urethral catheter
Used for: Drainage, dilatation, instilling and extracting during a procedure, also for retrograde pyelograms
Instrument name: Stabilization Needle
Alternate name: Needle, brand name
Used for: Disposable needles that are used in conjunction with the brachytherapy needle to assist in the implantation of radioactive seed implant of the prostate
Instrument name: Toomey Syringe
Alternate name: Toomey