When should I turn on the intermittent pneumatic compression device?
Does a RN need an order to apply intermittent pneumatic compression devices?
For which procedures should the patient wear intermittent pneumatic compression devices?
Can a patient with a history of DVT use intermittent pneumatic compression devices?
Why do the patient’s legs need to be measured separately to fit graduated compression stockings?
What is extended duration VTE prophylaxis?
When should patient and family education about VTE prevention begin?
Which patients should ambulate as soon as possible after surgery?
Can foot and ankle exercises replace early ambulation after surgery?
Is there a bleeding risk assessment tool validated in surgical patient populations?
Is there a VTE risk assessment tool validated in surgical patient populations?
When a patient is having surgery on one leg, should the intermittent pneumatic compression device be placed on the nonoperative leg?
When should the VTE risk assessment be initiated?
Can a patient with a pre-existing DVT use intermittent pneumatic compression devices?
Does a RN need an order to apply intermittent pneumatic compression devices?
When should intermittent pneumatic compression devices be turned on?