AORN’s Accreditation Assistant does not list every AAAHC Standard or Element of Compliance, but includes those for which AORN has associated guidelines and resources that may be used to assist in obtaining and maintaining accreditation. AORN’s tools are meant to be used as templates that can be customized for your setting and for the local, state, and federal requirements under which your facility operates.
We are currently updating our AAAHC Accreditation Assistant to coincide with the revised Standards structure in v.43 of the AAAHC Accreditation Handbooks. To view or download a crosswalk of v43 identifiers for the Statements of Requirement compared to the numbering structure currently on this site, please click for the Accreditation Handbook for Ambulatory Health Care or the Accreditation Handbook for Medicare Deemed Status.
AAAHC is a registered trademark of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. The AAAHC has not reviewed or endorsed this tool. Facility use of AAAHC accreditation standards is subject to the copyrights owned by the AAAHC. AORN does not endorse a specific accreditation organization.